Tako (Block)

English name: Octopus vulgaris
Scientific name:Common Octopus


English name: Octopus vulgaris
Scientific name:Common Octopus
French name: Pieuvre, Poulpe commun
Spanish name:Pulpo Común
Local Name: Tako

Additional information

Size T1 = 4500+ gr.
Size T2 = 3000-4500 gr.
Size T3 = 2000-3000 gr.
Size T4 = 1500-2000 gr.
Size T5 = 1200-1500 gr.
Size T6 = 800-1200 gr.
Size T7 = 500-800 gr.
Size T8 = 300-500 gr.
Size T9 = 100-300 gr.


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